2024-11-01 |
11월 성경말씀암송
창세기 17:1-2 |
2024-11-01 |
November Memory Verse
Genesis 17:1-2 |
2024-10-01 |
10월 성경말씀암송
사무엘상 17:45 |
2024-10-01 |
October Memory Verse
1 Samuel 17:45 |
2024-09-01 |
9월 성경말씀암송
사사기 6:23-24 |
2024-09-01 |
September Memory Verse
Judges 6:23-24 |
2024-08-01 |
8월 성경말씀암송
시편 136:2-4 |
2024-08-01 |
August Memory Verse
Psalm 136:2-4 |
2024-05-01 |
Memory Verse of the Month [May, 2024]
Eze 36:23] |
2024-04-01 |
Memory Verse of the Month [April, 2024]
Isaiah 40:28 |